Client Story: Self-Installed Simple Pump
We installed your Simple Pump system ourselves. Outstanding product. I have nothing but good to say about your system.
We had a 4″ PVC casing and pitless adapter from our electric pump. At first, the 1″ down pipe to the Simple Pump would not clear the pitless adapter. So we cut the top 3′ of the casing off and put on a adapter and increased the top 3′ to 6″. Here in western Kentucky we bury our underground pipes about 18″ to 2′ deep to keep from freezing (Zone 6 ). We then reinstalled the pitless adapter from our electric pump and re-hooked pipe to house line.
This moved the pitless adapter to our electric pump over 1″ which let the 1″ PVC down pipe and the simple pump clear just fine. If you were going to install the Simple Pump without a pitless adapter it would be ready to install.
We installed our Simple Pump with a pitless adapter, which we installed straight across from the pitless to the electric pump. From the pitless adapter from the Simple Pump we put a T and went straight a few inches to a frost free faucet, out of the side of the T we piped around to front of casing and installed a check valve, and on around and hooked into the house line. By doing this we can use the Simple Pump while using the electric pump to get water out of the faucet or use the Simple Pump when power goes out to pressurize our bladder tank, in our case about 45 to 50 lb.
I almost forgot you will have to install a pipe between the pipe on top of the pitless adapter and bottom of casing cap to keep from the down pipe from lifting out of the pitless adapter. I would drill a small hole in side of pipe close to pit less adapter end just in case any water got inside so it would not freeze.
We were caught here in western Kentucky about two years ago in January in a ice storm.
Trees and power lines down over roads. No way in or out, no power, no water — for over 2 weeks.
Not going to happen again, thanks to our Simple Pump.
Thanks: John