Off-grid Water Supply with the Simple Pump Solar Pump

Solar Powered Well Pump Provides Stable Water When Living Off-Grid
‘Living without electricity is Simple—Living without water is impossible.’
Simple Pump owner Brett Parman, Minnesota.
Brett lives off-grid, like off-off-grid. No electricity, no running water.
Almost 5 years ago, Brett began an adventure. It started with building a house in the woods. They had a very limited budget and were collecting the rainwater into buckets off any surface they could. They actually had a well bucket too. Climbing rope, some pulleys, a Prusik knot, and a piece of 4″ PVC pipe with a check valve on the end and 140′ to static water.
So Brett and his family had a high appreciation for water.
We finally were able to afford the Simple Pump deep well hand pump. Hooray! Freedom! I could pump 3 gallons in a third of the time it took to haul that bucket out of the well and with much less work. Then we got chickens, ducks, goats, pigs, cows, and a large garden. All of which require a lot of water. 1000 strokes a day worth. Which is fine, dandy even, until you get sick and there’s a drought and no rainwater.
Then we decided to upgrade to the solar pump, and what a relief!! Our garden won’t dry up in the next drought and we have an extra hour a day, at least. And if we get sick, well, we still choose to carry the water into the house and to the animals, but we are so glad we looked ahead at the upgrade possibility for the future.
The most important thing on our farm is water. Water, water, water. Living without electricity is easy. Living without water is impossible. Thank you Simple Pump!!!